Wednesday, 8 May 2013

AI Label 1232839/1

I drew star shape using the star shaped tool and warped it and applied a thick line using different brush thickness. I then used text to create logo. I created light flares using the flare tool.  Once I was happy with it I saved and exported it to a PSD file format to use on video and also resized to use on the DVD logo.

Here it is as a layer imported to the PSD file.

As an AI file

I created an ellipse path to type text onto to follow the curve of the DVD disc using the text on a path tool.

I created a flare effect on the DVD to keep with the space theme using the flare tool

I then imported the corona layer from PSD file converting it to use with the AI file and placed it on the background layer to create the earth like surface on the DVD.

I then imported the Epsilon 8 logo and DVD logo

I also imported the light flare on the right edge of the planet.

I created a text box and used the same type font as was used on the DVD video and DVD label.

I also used the spray paint tool to spray a symbol of the black figures onto the DVD.
I decided the face of Daniel Craig looked better without the blue face, so left it as a hidden layer and did the same with his hair highlights

I then created a custom gradient layer called the blue planet with transparency give the planet a blue tint similar to the DVD case.
Then I place my logo onto the DVD label
Placed the StarProductions logo and hidden some of the layers that I didn’t think worked that well.

This is the finished product which I am quite pleased with.

The guides will now be hidden when the label is printed.

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